To disable this feature, choose Customize | Tools. You might find this feature more irritating than helpful, especially when you're looking for a seldom-used command and can't find it simply because Outlook isn't displaying it. The personalized menu feature displays only the commands you use the most often. Someday, you may want that command and you can simply restore it from the custom toolbar instead of rebuilding it. Consider removing custom commands to a custom toolbar created for the purpose of storing custom commands you think you no longer need. If you remove a custom command, you'll have to rebuild it if you ever need it again. To restore the tool, reset the toolbar or use the Customize dialog box to put it back. Hold down the Alt key, click on a button, and drag it to an alternate position or off the toolbar completely. You don't have to use the Customize dialog box to move commands on a toolbar. Clicking Reset removes all the customization in case you need to start over. Select Begin A Group if you want to add a separator above or beside the selected command. You can also modify the selection by changing its caption and other attributes. Clicking Add will position the new item above or to the left of the selected command. You can add, delete, or move a command up or down (or left and right). The Controls list box will display the commands, including submenus, as they appear from top to bottom on the menu (or left to right on the selected toolbar). Then, choose the appropriate menu (if you selected the Menu Bar option) or toolbar (if you selected Toolbar) from the drop-down list at the top of the dialog box.

In the Rearrange Commands dialog box, select either the Menu Bar or Toolbar option. To do so, choose Tools | Customize, click the Commands tab, and click Rearrange Commands. You can rearrange the commands on the Menu Bar or a toolbar, making selection a bit more efficient.

Most of us use a few commands a lot, and seldom, if ever, use the rest.
Note: This information is also available as a PDF download. Here are some of the various ways you can tailor Outlook to suit your working style. Fortunately, command bars are easy to configure and create in any Office application, including Outlook. In addition, you can add custom toolbars to automate specialized or repetitive tasks. Only one Menu Bar is allowed, but you can customize both it and the built-in toolbars. Outlook comes with two types of built-in command bar objects, the Menu Bar and toolbars.